Lakiya Butler-Kania

Lakiya, also known as “Laks”, specialises in documenting subculture through photojournalism and other mixed media outlets. With a distinct focus on capturing and documenting youth culture, her expertise lies in the dynamic intersection of photojournalism and editorial design, where she explores themes related to society and human interaction.

Fashion Content Creation, Hooked ThreadsLaks specialises in creating content, especially relating to music and fashion. Here she collaborates with “Hooked Threads” in a short promotional video she made to capture their essence.
Screwface Diaires Vol 2 Preview Screwface Diaries is an editorial piece which showcases the voices of the dance floor, focusing on the culture and community, whether this be fashion, stories, photography or other mediums.
Lakiya Butler-Kania
Promotion for Screwface Diaries Vol 1