Ben Astle
Since Ben Astle moved to London to pursue a course in photography, he has had specific styles or genres in mind, namely street photography and architectural photography. He has used his time in London to enhance his creativity when out searching for shots. Looking at his social media platforms you can see the gradual increase in both this and the overall quality of the shots as Astle evolved his approaches and equipment. Looking through his portfolio, it is interesting to examine and take note of the similarities and differences in his shooting styles between genres. For example, in his street photography he prefers very moody conditions such as rain, snow or fog and a single human or at least human related subject in the centre of the frame. Whereas in his landscape work, he prefers bright conditions with near clear skies and little to no human related interference. With cars he enjoys a variety of locations from the city to the countryside so he can sort of do both landscapes and cityscapes, featuring a car as the main focus though of course. What all three have in common is that they all allow Astle to be creative and showcase his work as a photographer.