Concept Development
The CreativeLab team were excited to have the opportunity to bring the student concept to life albeit in a virtual realm.
Shortly after the students pitched their concept for the degree show, the impact of the pandemic made it clear that our original ideas of what a degree show would look like would need to change. Staying true to their core principles of collaboration and energy, the design was developed to work as an online showcase, rather than a physical show.
The development of the design went through many iterative stages of grids, shapes, type styles and colours to find a visual language which best represents what is being created at Ravensbourne.
Reflecting on the processes now the site is live, many of those initial seeds of ideas presented by the students still remain. There is a big, eye catching statement as you enter the show. The energy they wished to convey remains on every page through the cursor – sometimes smaller, sometimes larger, but always present. The site can be navigated in a myriad of different ways, through specific courses, through tags which link students across multiple courses, viewing students side by side, and even picking from a random selection.

Building a structure for controlled randomness

Creating a mask with the blobs